Busy Bar
Ludum Dare 54 Compo Entry
Theme: Limited Space
Play Here: loubagel.itch.io/busy-bar
There is a lot I wanted to do with this, but of course, in 48 hours, there is only so much that can be accomplished.
I decided to focus on getting the basics working well and animated how I wanted. There are a few issues I'm aware of, but for the most part, everything is working pretty well.
The additional features and such that I wanted to add were more employee types, which could be combined in different ways to make new drinks. Like a liquor pourer, person that uses a blender, person that shakes cocktails, and some more written down. So if someone wanted a martini you need the pourer and then the shaker person. For a margarita you would need the pourer and then the blender person.
The amount of additional art this would need was one of the factors I didn't attempt this in the 48 hours. I was also hoping for a could of different locations, or visuals for different bars. I thought allowing the user to place where they want the different equipment and such (taps; cash register; clean mugs; sink; plus the other new characters would require their own equipment) would add some strategy to the setup. But alas, that would be another big undertaking.
But I guess my main question for anyone that checks it out is regarding to the goal of the game. While playing/testing, I naturally tried to go as fast as I could. Probably due to other similar games being a race against time to serve as many customers as possible and keep them happy. But when doing this, I found it tedious and stressful, and didn't really enjoy it that much. Also, I didn't really even notice most of the animations, which I spent a decent amount of effort trying to make satisfying (I know some of them are a bit off, like the barback not really cleaning the right part of the bar, or the bar at all if in the middle spot on the 2nd level).
I feel like I have something decent started here - maybe for a simple little mobile game - but not sure what I'd want the player striving for.
One idea I had was making it like a puzzle. Therefore the goal would be trying to serve all the customers in the least amount of moves as possible. I think that would reduce any stress of trying to go as fast as possible, but not sure if that sounds interesting, or maybe still tedious. Also, I've never been keen on the idea of creating a ton of different puzzle levels. When playing games like that, I always think it seems like it would take a decent amount of time and effort to make enough puzzle levels and little reward, as players either fly right through them or get frustrated if they are too hard. I dunno, maybe I'll give it a go.
End of rant - just let me know what you think, ha. Thanks.