This State Loader behavior allows you to paste-in json strings of a saved object to override the object's initial parameters at layout start time. It works with Sprites, Particles, TiledBackgrounds and Tilemaps. Unfortunately I don't believe it is possible (yet?) for the layout editor properties to be changed at edit time, so there is no update of object position etc in the editor.
Additional feature. As I tinkered with tilemap I thought it would be useful to add support for a Tiled tilemap json save. Any compression option is acceptable, and (as above) the tilemap will be updated at the start of the layout.
State Json: the object save as.json string.
Set world state: choose whether the world info parameters should be loaded (position, angle, etc).
Set runtime state: choose if the runtime parameters should be loaded (frame, particles, etc).
Tilemap tiles json. Load the tilesJSON from a save of tile status.
Tiled json. Load a Tiled output json (multi-layers compatible).
Tiled layer name. The name of the layer to load into the tilemap object.
I've also added an action so that Tiled json strings and/or alternative layer names can be set during runtime. Final bug testing is ongoing and this should be ready very soon.