SnapTo v2.0 - Zelda Camera System

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  • Version 2, on sale!

    You can get this plugin on discount over

    A more robust camera rig

    Now you're able to enjoy a more featured plugin, with more control using tags, free camera mode and a "zone"/"focus" mode.

    New Features


    Now you can assign tags to coordinates to later reference.

    Free Camera Mode

    Although the main use of the plugin is to *Snap*, now you can choose to opt-out whenever you want.

    Move Along Objects

    Now you can set an object from where the camera will start moving with in its area.

    This is my solution to be able to make more Metroid/Castlevania types games, with different room sizes.

    Fullscreen Modes Support

    If you're working with a game with different screen size support, you're probably using Screen Inner or Screen Outer on your game.

    Previously, you would encounter the screen transitions just moving the original viewport instead of the whole screen.

    Now, you can set with Grid Scale Mode to either keep the original grid size, or scale it with the screen.

    However, this will inevitably make the coordinate triggers unpredictable.

    Thanks for reading, don't forget to get the behavior on discount!

    - Master Pose

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