took a look at ur project, sorry i wasn't specific enough,
if you are looking to use the simulate movement logic try setting it so that (the numbers here are just examples to start with, tinker for what you want);
every 8 seconds simulate left
then separate event
every 12 seconds simulate up
then separate event
every 18 seconds simulate down
then separate event
every 21 seconds simulate right
the reason it isn't working is that it is saying every 1 second to simulate movement left, right, up and down whereas you want it to switch between all four at different points
if you want to do pathfinding to player you will need to decide the condition that determines what decides if they are moving towards the plater (for instance it might have to do with what size the player is, if the player has BIG = true then have enemies target player and move towards them(BIG would be either a global/instance variable, then just decide the condition that determines what toggles the BIG true/false) if BIG is false then disable pathfinding (which is as simple as setting stop pathfinding i'm pretty sure), you could also use line of sight behavior functionality if that floats your boat, though i haven't used line of sight very much so i recommend looking up any tutorials for it you can find, however;
first add pathfinding behavior to your enemies
once you decide your condition then the pathfinding logic looks like this;
is pathfinding condition met (BIG =true/false, or maybe LOS to player =true/false, etc...)
on condition met -- enemy find path to (player.x, player.y)
on pathfinding failed to find path -- find path to (player.x, player.y)
on pathfinding path arrived -- find path to (player.x, player.y)
then you want to have;
on path found -- move along path
this will not only have your enemy move along the path when the condition(s) is/are met, but will have them continue to track the player whether they arrive at the player's position or if they get stuck and fail to find a path
personally i used both simulate movement(s) (up/down/left/right) and pathfinding in my project so that even when pathfinding is not active the enemies move around the map
but you can do what you want, you know?
you may also try referencing this:
helped me quite a bit in understanding how pathfinding works