Further update...
My apologies, unless you haven't looked at my .c3p yet, one thing I didn't clarify about my set up is that I have another object on the minimap (which will be invisible) that all the map icons are pinned to (except for the one representing the player car.
This object (with said icons) moves along the minimap outline to represent map movement as the car moves.
SO FAR, since my last update, I've been able to get things to move. NOW my only problem is getting the INITIAL orientation of this object to appear correctly so that the car icon appears in the accurate position relative to the actual player car. Meaning, if the car is actually to the left of a building, the minimap still shows the car icon appearing somewhere...else.
Here's the current action I have for the updated map icons...
Set position for Map_BG object:
X position -> lerp(HUDborderMiniMap.X-HUDborderMiniMap.Width/2,HUDborderMiniMap.X+HUDborderMiniMap.Width/2,1-unlerp(0,LayoutWidth,Car.X))
Y position -> lerp(HUDborderMiniMap.X-HUDborderMiniMap.Height/2,HUDborderMiniMap.Y+HUDborderMiniMap.Height/2,1-unlerp(0,LayoutWidth,Car.Y))
The idea here, as you can see, is to take the (un)lerp position of the player car object - with the ranges of the width and height of the layout - and use that fractional value to determine how to place the Map_BG object (which has all the minimap icons pinned to it). Thus making the minimap do what it's supposed to. Unfortunately, the best I've been able to do is to get the map to move appropriately but not show the car icon in the right place (which means the Map_BG object isn't updating accordingly). The link I provided in my original post should take you to the updated save file.