How do I use timelines efficiently?

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  • Since I've failed to get the spriter animation plugin working on c3, I've resorted to using the timeline feature to animate my characters, but there are a few hurdles I need help with:

    1. Is there a way to use the timelines on multiple layouts? I have a layout for single player and multiplayer, they're both effectively the same but when making timelines I currently have to duplicate the timeline and replace the instances.

    2. Is there a way to mirror animations? The game is a 1v1 battle game, and I can't find a way to mirror the timelines for the opponent besides making an entirely new set of timelines for the opponent.

    Any other tips/tricks you have regarding timeline workflow would be very helpful! Thanks yall!

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  • You can play timelines animations anywhere with the timeline manager object.

    Sadly afaik there is no way to mirror the timeline animations, this has also been the main reason I didn't end up using them for most boss animations in my platformer

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