Swinging momentum style grappling hook

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    I'm trying to replicate and make an identical grappling hook just like the one from the video attached from a Terraria mod called overhaul. I've been working at it for multiple days but haven't been able to get it. I've tried many different behaviors for the rope or to make the player move and I'm unable to figure this out. I'm looking to make a grappling hook that swings based off when the player moves and when the player isn't moving the swinging slowly gets less and less until momentum stops and the rope doesn't swing. I want to be able to retract and extend the ropes length. I would also like to have the momentum of the player continue after stopping/jumping off the hook allowing the player to swing and build up speed and jump off the hook to launch themselves in they direction they are swinging.


  • Hi!

    Interesting, here's my take on it.

    When we click on the board if the hero is at a distance of 450 he throws a hook. When we click in the empty space, he removes the hook.

    Move with the arrows on the keyboard.

    Download example *.c3p

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  • Hi, do you also have a version without using physics? One in which the rope swings more like a vine, without making 360 degrees and slowly shortens to reach the platform, I tried it some time ago, I even almost succeeded, but I don't know why the character, when dangling, remained more towards the middle of the rope than at the bottom end, despite attaching it to an image point at the bottom

  • Hi, do you also have a version without using physics? One in which the rope swings more like a vine, without making 360 degrees and slowly shortens to reach the platform, I tried it some time ago, I even almost succeeded, but I don't know why the character, when dangling, remained more towards the middle of the rope than at the bottom end, despite attaching it to an image point at the bottom

    Hello. I have no option without physics, I saw this video and it inspired me to make an example, it was 20 minutes ago.

  • Old attempt for swing-hook mechanics:


    this one attached physics simulation:


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