spawning attack

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From the Asset Store
Zombie attack is a survival game, where you have 2 types of games: Killer and survival.
  • Hey, I'm trying to get my attack to spawn from my characters hand. I have multiple layers (background, foreground, and character) and I can't get the layers and image point to work. I have an image point on the character but for some reason it's still spawn from the origin. If I set the layer to 0 it has problems with the foreground that's on layer 1. Can anyone Help?


  • Hey, I'm trying to get my attack to spawn from my characters hand. I have multiple layers (background, foreground, and character) and I can't get the layers and image point to work. I have an image point on the character but for some reason it's still spawn from the origin. If I set the layer to 0 it has problems with the foreground that's on layer 1. Can anyone Help?


    add an image points on character hand, and use this instead of the origin point

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  • Hey, Yeah that's what I did. And it works fine on layer 0 but as soon as I get to a foreground piece that's layer 1, it overlaps the bullet. When I set the layer to anything higher than layer 0 it started spawning from the origin and the image point.

  • Could you provide a capx/screenshot of the events you're using?

    Make sure there's no issue with parallax, and that the image point you're using is on all frames of the animation. If you try to spawn something at an image point that doesn't exist on a particular frame of animation, it'll just default back to spawning it at the object's origin

  • That's it, thanks AySquirrel. I had it spawn on a single frame and that was the problem.

    Thanks so much!!!


  • That's it, thanks AySquirrel. I had it spawn on a single frame and that was the problem.

    Thanks so much!!!


    always use a player box single frame best for collision and much more..

    every tick set position of player sprite to player box object.

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