I found this really old C2 project from someone (please tell me if you know it) dropbox.com/s/wmxnfqjlo3an0h6/usingTouchSpeed.capx that works beautifully, feels amazing to scroll. But it did nothing in C3.
How do I get smooth scrolling menu that FEELS GOOD to scroll? There are many tuts for C3 but i hadn't found any that feels good to scroll. All of them feels awkward / weird / annoying / rigid... simply did not feel good.
The problem is the TouchID that is not 0 it can be any number.
You could make a global variable ID and change it to :
+ Touch: Is in touch -> System: Set ID to Touch.TouchID ----+ -----> System: Set dSpeed to touch.SpeedForID(ID) -----> System: Set scroll X to ScrollX - (cos(Touch.AngleAt(0)) × dSpeed×dt) -----> System: Set scroll Y to ScrollY - (sin(Touch.AngleAt(0)) × dSpeed ×dt) -----> System: Set PrevSpeed to (touch.SpeedForID(ID)) -----> System: Set dangle to Touch.AngleForID(ID)
or you change all the ForID to At (SpeedForID(0) to SpeedAt(0) etc).
Nice find! I'm gonna use it.
I find that if you change SpeedForID(0) and AngleForID(0) to SpeedAt(0) and AngleAt(0) it works fine.
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