I was here perplexed by this error. As the number of audio files for my game increased, I created subfolders within the sound folder. But in an event I was calling the audio by play (by name) instead of just play, this is because I type choose("audio1","audio2","audio3") ... and so I can have random audios played. Okay, I've done this before. But if I create subfolders, this audio, which is now in a sound subfolder, will no longer work if I use play (by name). It simply doesn't play the audio. Even if I call an audio just by name, without choosing, it doesn't find the audio if it's in a subfolder within the sound folder. Play by name only works if I put the audio inside the sound folder, but not in a subfolder. I racked my brain for hours to find out why the audio didn't play, as in other projects I created for testing it worked. So, I need these subfolders otherwise hundreds of audios will be impractical. How am I going to call them by name? Has anyone ever experienced this?