There's several ways to achieve this.
The most intuitive way I can think of is to give all the clickable objects an instance variable eg. listPosition. Then you could go through all the objects and set listPosition = 1 for the first one, listPosition = 2 for the second, etc.
Then you could have two global variables eg. objectToClick (which starts at 1) and totalObjects (where you can put the total number of objects eg. 3).
Then we can just do this (pseudo code but just to give you an idea):
if user clicks object & object.listPosition = objectToClick : add 1 to objectToClick
if user clicks object & object.listPosition != objectToClick : show "fail" message / fail events
if objectToClick > totalObjects : show "success" message / win events (user has won)
So, if they click object with listPosition=1 and objectToClick=1, the game allows them to go on to click object with listPosition=2, etc - and if they click anything else they get the fail condition.
An alternative way to do this would be to match two text lists, but that may involve mucking about with string operators and might be slightly more confusing? Same result anyway :)