request app rating bug

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Telegram Mini Apps SDK is a plugin that allows impliment Telegram Mini Apps features.
  • when the comment panel appears on the screen, when I close it, it keeps appearing and freezes the game, how do I make it so that it only appears 1 time?

    when I do it this way, nothing appears on the screen and it doesn't work

    When I use trigger once, it does not appear on the screen in the same way

  • You need to make it so the condition is no longer true, so change the Levels_Open variable? Or if that is an important variable to remain with its current value then use a different variable to act as a trigger once.

  • You need to make it so the condition is no longer true, so change the Levels_Open variable? Or if that is an important variable to remain with its current value then use a different variable to act as a trigger once.

    I don't fully understand, I apologize for my bad English levels_open is an important variable that shows what level it is at

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  • You can use a different global variable to lock out the event so it is not always true. So like variable=0 in the condition, then when you show the text in the action you can set the variable to 1. Then it will only run one time!

  • You can use a different global variable to lock out the event so it is not always true. So like variable=0 in the condition, then when you show the text in the action you can set the variable to 1. Then it will only run one time!

    I tried but I still couldn't do it

  • You just need to put it in the same block you had before, then with the action add set variable to 0.

  • You just need to put it in the same block you had before, then with the action add set variable to 0.

    I can't understand because of the language barrier can you give me an example?

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