Hi, I'm having a hard time using timelines on my project and would like some help!
I'm making a game with a complex character, that is cutted in small pieces and animated using timelines.
I made a timeline for each animation: idle, walking, running, attacking, etc. but when playing one animation next to the other, I see the positions and angles adds themselves and does not respect what I design in the timeline editor.
I tried:
- playing one timeline after the other (the positions go crazy)
- stopping all the animations before starting the next (crazier)
- saving each part's angle/position and resetting each part to its original
I searched the forum, videos, pages, didn't find an explanation on how to solve this!
Here is a demo to the isolated issue, in my game file is a bit more complex but if someone can give me a hint on how this can be done, I would really appreciate it!