I need help, I'm making a children's game for vision restoration and have been struggling with the function for a long time. please help.
I have two color blocks: red and blue, I transfer each block to a separate canvas and then, moving the touch or mouse, I transfer the color from the block to the variable for the FallingBlock and StaticBlock objects.
I want to make a universal thing that will work fine on the web and mobile and support responsive width (from smartphones to PCs).
I make the layout size 720 (width) by 1280 (height), my game looks good on smartphones and is displayed in the middle of the screen on a PC cloud.mail.ru/public/y9yg/V7FUfV7eC - it's okay.
In order for the game to be displayed in the middle of the screen I have to set the layout parallax to 0%. But because my real screen width on PC is 1920, and the layout is 720 in Construct, the system misunderstands my touch when I touch a colored block. Wheel pickers are incorrectly positioned and pass the wrong value to the variable cloud.mail.ru/public/qT4r/msycGCc3q
If I set parallax to 100% 100% for all layers, then everything works correctly, but then the game elements stick to the left side of the screen (from 0 to 720 pixels of the real screen size) cloud.mail.ru/public/QLWo/kGoxdZUdH - this does not suit me.
How can I make it so that regardless of the screen width and when the screen width changes (for example, the user drags the browser window with the mouse), I can use touch or mouse to get the correct values of the colored blocks and so that the wheel pickers take the value of the coordinates of my touch? . Thank you for any help! C3P example on the link drive.google.com/file/d/1KqfnL9MCWvyJ_PxEBA7QLnfSOkc1ZEC9/view