How do I prevent objects from clipping with orthographic projection

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  • Hi, I'm currently messing around with the 3D camera and zooming in and out using the moue wheel with orthographic projection.

    I have it set up so that you scroll the muse wheel up then the scale of the object increases, and if you scroll down on the mouse wheel then the scale of the object decreases. My problem is that when the object scales up, the bottom of it starts clipping off on screen. Only seems to happen with the orthographic projection set instead of perspective, but I kind of prefer orthographic for what I'm trying to achieve.

    Is there a way to prevent this clipping issue? Any help would be much appreciated!

    Images attached, including the event sheet.

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  • Have you tried adjusting the near and far distance values under advanced in the properties panel?

  • have you tried to set the zoom in amount less so that the bit wount clip of

    disadvantage:it wont be able to zoom as much as u wanted


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