Any one have experience with dialogues like in classic RPG games??

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  • Where to start to make advanced dialogue system for cRPG games?

    I mean on upper Text NPC message and on lower Text / Texts player choose message


  • What exactly are you having trouble with? It's not much different than any other clickable interactable object.

    If dialogue is waiting for response

    On 1 clicked, do something

    On 2 clicked, do something

    On 3 clicked, do something

    On 4 clicked, do something

    Although for most classic rpgs, they all actually do the same thing, which is to advance the dialogue anyway.

  • What exactly are you having trouble with? It's not much different than any other clickable interactable object.

    If dialogue is waiting for response

    On 1 clicked, do something

    On 2 clicked, do something

    On 3 clicked, do something

    On 4 clicked, do something

    Although for most classic rpgs, they all actually do the same thing, which is to advance the dialogue anyway.

    I need to learn mechanics not for one question but whole conversation for each NPC.

    Where store all texts for each NPC.

    Better use event sheet only or JSON ?

    Better use 4 text objects for each dialog option or its possible to use only one text object to display all 4 dialog options?

  • I use the layout to store the whole conversation and a layer that I enable for input and disable the other lower layers. I move the text on and off the non scrolling layer with x -20000 being off. I have the text go bold if it can be clicked. All in all it has not been very easy to do a real dialogue. Some people say do it all in html. This is just my 2 cents.

  • JSON is a suitable format for storing dialogue. You've got a lot of options here though so use whatever you're comfortable with. You could even store it in instance variables per npc if you want.

    I'd use multiple instances of a text object for clickable responses. I'd use a separate text object for non interactive text though.

  • Guys but where i should start, i found somewhere on forum examples?

  • its possible to add to project .txt file with lines of text

    and display randomly in game?

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  • Yes it is but add AJAX first to retrieve string from imported txt file.

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