.c3p file: dropbox.com/scl/fi/v9nempjff9iy462uwxlq1/The-Getaway-v3.c3p
I have a 3-object enemy (by way of a container) which is meant to patrol a designated area, marked by another object, the "District_Area".
Using the Bullet behavior, I make the Enemy_Heli_Move object (contained with the Enemy_Heli_Blade and Enemy_Heli objects and pinned together) patrol the designated District_Area. At the start of the layout, I assign the District_Area UID # to an instance variable in Enemy_Heli_Move object.
I then pick the District_Area according to the value of the Heli's instance variable and check if the Heli is overlapping that select District_Area or not.
If not, I tell it to rotate its angle (with Bullet behavior "Set Angle (of Motion)" checked in the properties window) back to the District_Area it's assigned to.
The problem I'm having is that the UID of the District_Area is not being properly assigned from the beginning and I cannot understand why. I've done things like this before and it worked fine.
Here is what I have for the setup and the workflow for the Heli.
Thanks for your help!