I have the rooms and room codes with the host and if the host disconnects kicks the other players in the room. Everything seems to be working except I don't know how to make it so that when the amount of players in a room = 6, no one else can join to make it 7, I want it to show that the room is full. Please help!
I think this is (still) not possible, though I know it's been requested many times over the years. It's definitely a core function that should exist, IMO.
Unless I have it wrong, it looks like this has fallen off the list of feature requests with the shift to github. You should make a request there:
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What? The ListRoomState expression has always been available AFAIK. Compare the value ("available", "locked" or "full") to allow for joining or not.
Alternatively, you can compare ListRoomPeerCount <= ListRoomMaxPeerCount as well.