Hello, I am still trying to figure out how to make a shop system. I tried making it on the layer but pausing background items would get messed up or the shop items would freeze so I made an additional layout. My question is:
How do I return my player to the previous layout at the same X, Y coordinates that they left?
Ex Layout 1 -> Shop layout -> Layout 1 but in different X,Y
Additional bonus questions that I am trying to figure out:
2. How do I set the bullet behavior to bounce off of solids for X amount of time?
3. How to do a coin system? I followed some tutorials I found but my counter on collision doesn't update but does delete the coin.
Here is my project if you would like to check it out :) : drive.google.com/file/d/1P1wbuNBe_h3uOVDZGKq2bukxgCwwO5QJ/view