Found it. Your cast ray action currently is:
-> LaserTurret: Cast ray from (Self.ImagePointX("Tip"), Self.ImagePointY("Tip")) to (cos(Self.Angle) × Self.LineOfSight.Range, sin(Self.Angle) × Self.LineOfSight.Range) (use collision cells True)
It should be:
-> LaserTurret: Cast ray from (Self.ImagePointX("Tip"), Self.ImagePointY("Tip")) to (Self.ImagePointX("Tip") + (cos(Self.Angle) × Self.LineOfSight.Range), Self.ImagePointY("Tip") + (sin(Self.Angle) × Self.LineOfSight.Range)) (use collision cells True)
Your ray was basically shooting towards somewhere near the origin, but you had set linieofsight range so high that it wasn't easily noticable when aiming always downward.