jump trough behaviour isn't working!

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  • I have two different jump trough platforms next to each other and can jump on/trough both of them but when I run from one to the other I just fall trough! If only I could post a video on here. Hope someone understands my problem

  • I think I understand your problem. My first suggestion is to instead of positioning the objects yourself, look at the values of the object in the properties bar and make sure the Y values of both of them are the same. This will not work if their image points are in different places or if they are different widths, but just do a little math to make sure they are precisely lined up pixel to pixel.

    To prevent this from happening in the future enable grid lines and grid snapping in the layout options.

  • Nthepanda I'm using a grid and they don't have an image point because they are tiled backgrounds

  • I just went and tested it myself, adding two different tiled background jump through platforms and it worked perfectly fine. If I had the project files, I could give you more information, but I can't think of any other problem that could be happening.

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  • Did you check the angle of the Tiled backgrounds? that can affect the jump through sometimes.

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