Using an alternate method...
* On function 'jsonstart'
----+ System: For each Sprite
-----> JSON: Set "sprite."&loopindex&".xy.0" to Sprite.X
-----> JSON: Set "sprite."&loopindex&".xy.1" to Sprite.Y
Using the resulting json
+ AJAX: On "load" completed
-> JSON: Parse JSON string AJAX.LastData
----+ JSON: For each entry in "sprite"
-----> System: Create object Sprite on layer 0 at (JSON.Get("sprite."&JSON.CurrentKey&".xy.0"), JSON.Get("sprite."&JSON.CurrentKey&".xy.1"))
This seems pretty convoluted for the inexperienced
Also loopindex would be nice to have for the json loop.
Saving, and loading arrays of objects should be much easier imo.
Gui's, composite sprites etc are a basic necessity.