This is mainly an issue in the web build for my game but it is also present when testing on andriod with html5 exports being the worst with a consistent 12 fps. On pc NW.js exports it runs over 100 fps but that is most likely due to having a decent pc. Any and all help is appreciated!
I'm happy to provide a project file as well if needed. Below is some project and debug info to get started.
Some project info:
- Resolution: 427 x 240
- Fullscreen Quality: High
- ~120 objects
- 50% CPU usage at the very start but drops to around 25% after a few seconds
- Draw Cells 20% CPU total time and self time (consistent)
- Behavior Processing 20% CPU total time and self time (drops to 1-5% after a
few seconds)
- BetterOutline
- Trail Renderer
- Animate Text
- 9 layers (mainly for parallax reasons)
- Quite a few physics objects