Thank you for your response — I don't exactly comprehend how to use your idea to create my game yet, but it does get some creative juices flowing for me. I am dedicated to this's my full-time endeavor. So, I am yet green, but learning fast. I'm grateful for all the responses and for the vibrant support community here.
I didn't know that background images could be arranged in frames. Assuming that I understand, this would make a basic the background can be animated? This creates some interesting possibilities indeed! I have been definitely putting a lot of thought into background scenery, and your idea will likely help with that. However, although I believe I understand what you mean about scenery, I don't understand how this would correlate with the objects in my game that the squirrel will run and jump on. I can't think of how she could 'jump' through scenery, as there will have to be platforms for the jumping. These platforms will have to be images in order to be navigable by the Player, and therefore there will need to be a long layout comprised of these objects in order to effect game-play. If I'm not understanding something critical, please let me know.
It does seem here that an array would work, like
VictoryRice suggested, where I could use numerical values in an array to (somehow) present the objects in a certain order and in a certain space. I'm working on understanding that right now, mainly by watching Jerementor's tuturials on logic, which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone learning.
Thanks again. Sorry for the long post, but feel free to get back to me if you wish to clarify your idea more so that I can understand it at my level.