For the green sprite you need to use a condition in the function 'pick sprite by UID' and the value is the function parameter.
Create permutation on start of layout and in debug view you can see the order of numbers. Say you have 5 questions and the numbers given are 3,1,2,5,4 then that means question 3 would appear first then question 1 etc.
You can access the data by setting a global variable for current question number to 'advancedrandom.permutation(0)' that would be the first question so 3 in this case. Then the next question would be advancedrandom.permutation(1) etc, so I guess the number in brackets would be a separate variable that increments as you go onto the next question.
This number would also relate to the row of the array so lets say for the first question the current question variable number is 3, then you access the array using this so finds the question.
So you are pulling two bits of data, the next question from the permutation table and then using this number as the row of the array to take the actual question text.