make a enemies speed faster over time?

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  • how do i make my enemies bullet speed faster over time?

  • something like:

    Every tick set enemybullet.bullet.speed to self.bullet.speed+0.5

  • something like:

    Every tick set enemybullet.bullet.speed to self.bullet.speed+0.5


    Also try to use dt in the formula so the speed increase is consistent across all framerates

  • > something like:


    > Every tick set enemybullet.bullet.speed to self.bullet.speed+0.5


    Also try to use dt in the formula so the speed increase is consistent across all framerates

    Good reminder on using "dt". The first game I published to the Play Store, I had to go through everything, and figure out different ways of making things run off of "dt". Caught it before publishing, when I changed the refresh rate on my monitor, and my phone which runs at 120hz, rather than the 60hz my monitor was set to at the time. Setting my display all the way up to max(185hz), everything was moving extremely fast, and nearly impossible to play lol.

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  • Actually to re-answer OP's question, I just remembered the Bullet Behavior has an Acceleration value that increases its speed over time, if you're using that.

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