Dear constructors,
I have an issue while making a platform game. The situation is: there are enemies that continuously follows the player. I'm using MoveTo behavior to find Player's position and start moving. And it works pretty fine. However, when the enemy stands on a platform above the player these enemy stops and can't go down. How to make it a little bit smarter? I mean how to make it to calculate the way to jump off the platform and continue pursuing player on the the players floor?
Thank you in advance!
There is a follow behavior, maybe it's easier to use that.
There is an example:
And the entry in the manual:
I've tried that, but it doesn't work for my case. First, I don't know how to change follow speed, second spread system doesn't work properly. Maybe there is a way to change follow logic somehow?
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This should give you a good idea on how to achieve what you want. This one is player following a player but you should be able to change it up and make it the enemy so good luck!