So here's the thing... I've recently been learning 6502 Assembly for NES programming, which then led me to learning about how emulators work, which has NOW led me to wondering if its possible to make a bare bones NES emulator using C3... I can load a rom just fine. I can parse it and disassemble it just fine. I can read and interpret the CHR data just fine. However... There doesn't seem to be any way I can emulate the creation of a frame of graphics, 60 times a second.
I've tried the DrawingCanvas, but its too slow... I've tried 256x240 stationary single pixel sprites pre-loaded with the NES palettes colors as frames... also too slow... I've also tried using the TileMap plugin (which is comparable in performance to the sprites) and the best FPS I can manage is ~30 fps, which is 50% of what I need to have a playable emulator...
Is this simply an impossible task for C3? I know emulators tend to be more resource hoggy than they'd seem given all the work they need to do, but if C3 can natively draw entire screen's worth of graphics at 60 fps, at a much higher screen res... then why can't I?
Also... if I can't even do randomized noise at 60 fps, then there's no way I can evaluate the NES's 3 graphics layers to determine which pixel to show (or to show the BG color instead)
Any input would be greatly appreciated