Disable buttons on lower layers?

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J-BoB Game Button Sound Pack comes with 300 high-quality sound effects
  • I have a popup with a rate button that appears over the top of my main layout.

    The Rate button itself lies across some of the coordinates of other sprite buttons on layers below.

    All my buttons use: Touch > On touched button name > events...

    Is there a way to disable the buttons on the lower layers?

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  • I imagine there is a more proper way, but a quick fix could be adding a condition to the other buttons, invert rate button is visible (or in layout / however you have it set up).

  • Depending on the structure of your project, you could also disable groups. For example, To "deactivate" an entire eventsheet, you can first create a group and place all events in this eventsheet in this group. If the game's code is in one or more groups, turn them off as soon as your popup appears and activate them as soon as it disappears.

  • Depending on the structure of your project, you could also disable groups. For example, To "deactivate" an entire eventsheet, you can first create a group and place all events in this eventsheet in this group. If the game's code is in one or more groups, turn them off as soon as your popup appears and activate them as soon as it disappears.

    This is a much cleaner way to do it. Groups are awesome.

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