width(local variable) <= tilemap.width+96
- value at (array value check local variable) =1
arrayset value((array value check),0) to 4
set (array value check) to (array value check)+1
width(local variable) to width-1
is my loop. it just freezes
width=Tilemap.Width/96 at the start of the loop. (96 is a tile size so im getting how many tiles wide the tile map is)
array value check, is the x coordinate in the array.
im thinking it should, when a new tile is made; expanding the tileset(that works)
to set the tiles in the tile map: run the while loop to check for each tile, compare what value the array holds at that position. if 1, then set the tile in the tile map. if 0. reset the tile.
anyone see what i am doing wrong?
i want to use an array like this, so if i add a tile to a left place, i can push all Y array values. moving the tile map. and maintaining the room layout.
hope that explination doesnt make things worse..