How do I make a clock's hands rotate on it's own axis?

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  • Hello! First time using Construct and I'm very very confused.

    Basically I have this (please excuse my poor paint skills) and I want the clock's hands to spin when they're being dragged, but I have no idea how to "anchor" the bottom of the arrow so that they spin on their own axis. And also i want some text popping up when the arrow is pointing at a year. But i have no clue how to do any of that

    PLEASE any help would be appreaciated, this girl is lost

  • Hello! First time using Construct and I'm very very confused.

    Basically I have this (please excuse my poor paint skills) and I want the clock's hands to spin when they're being dragged, but I have no idea how to "anchor" the bottom of the arrow so that they spin on their own axis. And also i want some text popping up when the arrow is pointing at a year. But i have no clue how to do any of that

    PLEASE any help would be appreaciated, this girl is lost <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    hi, what method do you want to use to drag them? click and hold to move?

    anyway, a starting point is to put the origin point of the hands sprites at their beginning that coincides with the center of the clock.

    then setting the angle of hands sprites towards the mouse cursor if clicked ( if you wanna do using mouse)

  • > Hello! First time using Construct and I'm very very confused.


    > Basically I have this (please excuse my poor paint skills) and I want the clock's hands to spin when they're being dragged, but I have no idea how to "anchor" the bottom of the arrow so that they spin on their own axis. And also i want some text popping up when the arrow is pointing at a year. But i have no clue how to do any of that


    > PLEASE any help would be appreaciated, this girl is lost <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />


    hi, what method do you want to use to drag them? click and hold to move?

    anyway, a starting point is to put the origin point of the hands sprites at their beginning that coincides with the center of the clock.

    then setting the angle of hands sprites towards the mouse cursor if clicked ( if you wanna do using mouse)

    Yes! I do indeed want to click and hold to get them to move along the center of the clock. I get what you're saying and im very thankful for your reply BUT I don't exactly know how to put that in the program. Would you mind telling me a little more specific what to do?

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  • >

    > > Hello! First time using Construct and I'm very very confused.

    > >

    > > Basically I have this (please excuse my poor paint skills) and I want the clock's hands to spin when they're being dragged, but I have no idea how to "anchor" the bottom of the arrow so that they spin on their own axis. And also i want some text popping up when the arrow is pointing at a year. But i have no clue how to do any of that

    > >

    > > PLEASE any help would be appreaciated, this girl is lost <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

    > >

    > hi, what method do you want to use to drag them? click and hold to move?

    > anyway, a starting point is to put the origin point of the hands sprites at their beginning that coincides with the center of the clock.

    > then setting the angle of hands sprites towards the mouse cursor if clicked ( if you wanna do using mouse)


    Yes! I do indeed want to click and hold to get them to move along the center of the clock. I get what you're saying and im very thankful for your reply BUT I don't exactly know how to put that in the program. Would you mind telling me a little more specific what to do?

    i've made this quickly .capx using your asset, take a look into events for understand how to do. ... s80RPD5gz-

    EDIT .capx is in C2 maded but you can use on C3 without problem

  • i've made this quickly .capx using your asset, take a look into events for understand how to do. ... s80RPD5gz-

    EDIT .capx is in C2 maded but you can use on C3 without problem

    Oh man, thank you so so much!

    I do understand pretty much everything and how you did it but I need to make more research on the Global Variables bc i see them everywhere and have no clue how to use them haha. Thanks again!

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