For the math method you can do it by looking at a line from the point going down. If it crosses an odd amount of lines it’s inside the polygon, otherwise it’s inside.
Here is what the events would look like if you just had sprites making up the points. You could use an array or text list but I’ll leave that as something that would need to be adapted.
Global number x=100
Global number y=100
Global number inside=0
Global number i=0
Global number j=0
Repeat p.count times
— set i to loopindex
— set j to (i+1)%p.count
— value (x-p(i).x)/(p(j).x-p(i).x) is between 0 and 1
— y > (p(j).y-p(i).y)/(p(j).x-p(i).x)*(x-p(i).x)+p(i).y
— — set inside to 1-inside