WackyToaster I am trying to highlight any word from "Global Variable 1" which contains any letter found in "Global Variable 2" which are seperated by whitespace into red colour,like for example if "Global Variable 1 " contains a text which is I am a very good and great person" and if "Global Variable 2" contains the vovels "a e i o u" which are here seperated by whitespace then in this case I want to highlight all the words in "Global Variable 1" which contain the any of the following letters "a,e,i,o,u"(which are contained in "Global Variable 2" and are seperated by whitespace in it) into Red colour which in this case is "I,am a good person.",and here I have underlined the all the words of "Global Variable 1" which contain any of the letters which are found in "Global Variable 2" and I want those words to be Coloured in the colour Red as they contain the one or even more than one letters which are found in "Global Variable 2".