I'm working on a crossword puzzle game using the Crossword for Kids template from the asset store here; I want to have the clues appear one by one rather than all be visible at once, with a 'Next Clue' button the player can click to make the next clue appear.
I've just been testing it with three clues as text objects - the first is initially visible and other two are not. I've created an event so that when the button is clicked, Clue number 2 sets to visible. I've then created another event so that when the button is clicked and Clue 2 is visible, Clue 3 will be set to visible. However on testing, clicking the button just once makes Clue 2 and Clue 3 appear at the same time. How do I make it so that clicking the button repeatedly makes the clues appear one by one?
The project is in extremely early stage and looks like basically nothing right now, but I've shared it here all the same so you can see the event sheet - onedrive.live.com/redir
Thanks for any help!