How do I Audio positioning Far = no sound ?

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  • Hello, im trying learn something about audio positioning.

    How can i make looped sound like fireplace. when player is close, i hear sound loud, but when im for example 250px away of fireplace i hear more less half of volume. But when i go away more tham 500px sound should be off

    But when i go slowly at fireplace of course sound volume should grow?

    when i set Outer gain to -999 that dont help

    I try on template 'Audio positioning' but when i create explosion even 2000px away i still hear sound

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  • you can regulate the sound volume of a certain audio according to the position that the character is in relation to the object that produces the sound, for example, you make an event that is at each tick or when the object is created and make another event for set the volume at each tick it has the action of setting the volume by the difference in x from the character to the object divided by 50

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