I've been working with C3 for a few months now and I love it!
The online community here is awesome. But, what I really love are some of the amazing YouTube channels that are dedicated to Construct 3 content. I'm learning so much from them.
My three favorites so far are (in no particular order):
- Game Design with Reilly: youtube.com/@gamedesignwithreilly
- Xanderwood Game Dev: youtube.com/@XanderwoodGameDev
- Shane Lee: youtube.com/@Shane-Lee
If anyone has any other recommendations, I would love to check them out.
In Spanish: youtube.com/@IxelGames
Bart Alluyn has lots of C3 lessons if you scroll down the list:
I should have paid more attention in my high school Spanish class. :)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Bart Alluyn has lots of C3 lessons if you scroll down the list: https://www.youtube.com/@lessisgames8555/videos
This looks great - especially his game "Runes of Aereal".
I just subscribed and added the game to my wishlist.
You could also check out the channel 'Construct Mastery' for tutorials and tips on C3. It's really helpful for beginners and advanced users alike.
anupkumar Do you have a link? I searched for "Construct Mastery", but couldn't find it.