Why does 0 opacity use GPU fill rate when setting invisible does not

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  • I ran some tests to figure out what affects the gpu fill rate. I noticed that 0% opacity sprites use GPU fill rate, but setting them invisible does not.

    Is there any reason for this?

    Is it because 0% opacity can be used as masks with some webgl effect? (but that would turn the layer to render it's own texture, so it could be solved)


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  • Think of opacity or alpha as a color. Changing the alpha value is like changing the red or the blue or the green value. The alpha value being 0 or 80 makes no difference to your GPU. The visiblity toggle on the other hand fully disables rendering of an object.

  • Think of opacity or alpha as a color. Changing the alpha value is like changing the red or the blue or the green value. The alpha value being 0 or 80 makes no difference to your GPU. The visiblity toggle on the other hand fully disables rendering of an object.

    I understand, this makes sense, thank you.

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