Is there any particular reason why object types need to be dragged to the layout to add them to the scene (if they're not going to be initially visible, of course)? It really bugs me to have all these objects littering the layout (especially when the number grows to be dozens or more objects).
If objects are only going to be instantiated via code or actions, I don't see the point in having them visible in the layout.
As noted in the memory usage manual guide, the initial objects placed on the layout are used to determine what to load when loading that layout, which helps optimise memory use for layout-by-layout loading.
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That's how you set the objects preferences. That way you can have different preferences in different layouts. If you don't want it in the layout you have to make a repository layout somewhere, if you wish to set up its preferences.
But why do they need to be displayed in the layout? I'm not aware of any other game engine that does that...
You could just as easily just list the objects in a panel.
They don't have to be displayed. You can make them initially transparent in preferences, or just destroy them at the start of the layout.
Again they don't have to be in the layout, but they should be in a layout somewhere.
Thanks, Ashley-- that article is very useful!