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  • 1. I noticed that the FileWebView2 plugin's folders expressions do not work in preview (I didn't test any of the other functions). Is this a bug or something that will not be possible with this WebView2 file system plugin?

    I'm not reporting it as a bug since I know that the official file api got support for the missing features and will probably update once it goes in the stable branch, so there's no point on working on the temporary one now.

    2. Are there any plans on adding Linux support and macOS+Linux support for the steam plugin?

    If not, what is the suggested work method for supporting all operation systems in the same project?

    Can a project work with both the NWjs and WebView2 steam plugins or will they conflict one another?

    Will it be possible to use the WebView2 file system to save and read files in NWjs or will I need to have two sets of saving/loading events?

    3. Will it ever be possible to set a WebView2 app window to maximize in runtime?

    Or even a startup arguments, which is supported in the WebDriver:



  • 1. I noticed that the FileWebView2 plugin's folders expressions do not work in preview (I didn't test any of the other functions). Is this a bug or something that will not be possible with this WebView2 file system plugin?

    Construct's normal preview runs in a browser, not WebView2, so WebView2 features are not available there. You can however check 'Export for Remote Preview' when exporting WebView2 to more conveniently test WebView2 features via Remote Preview.

    2. Are there any plans on adding Linux support and macOS+Linux support for the steam plugin?

    Microsoft have not released WebView2 support for macOS or Linux yet, although they say they plan to. When they release support, we plan to also support it in Construct, and hopefully include support for Steam too.

    If not, what is the suggested work method for supporting all operation systems in the same project?

    If you still need macOS and Linux support, for simplicity I would advise to keep using NW.js for the time being. If you only need Windows support (and note that about 97% of Steam users use Windows) then I would recommend using WebView2 instead.

    Can a project work with both the NWjs and WebView2 steam plugins or will they conflict one another?

    There should not be any conflict.

    Will it be possible to use the WebView2 file system to save and read files in NWjs or will I need to have two sets of saving/loading events?

    You will need two sets of saving/loading events, unless you can use the File System object, which works consistently across both.

    3. Will it ever be possible to set a WebView2 app window to maximize in runtime?

    It's already possible via a custom wrapper extension, but support is not yet built-in. You can however request fullscreen on startup with WebView2 just like you can with NW.js.

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  • Thank you for the info!

    > 1. I noticed that the FileWebView2 plugin's folders expressions do not work in preview (I didn't test any of the other functions). Is this a bug or something that will not be possible with this WebView2 file system plugin?

    Construct's normal preview runs in a browser, not WebView2, so WebView2 features are not available there. You can however check 'Export for Remote Preview' when exporting WebView2 to more conveniently test WebView2 features via Remote Preview.

    Yeah, that is what I figured. But I saw in your opened ticket, that the File System api was worked around to skip the user verification, which is still in the beta branch. Once that will get in the stable branch, will the File System api be able to show this data in preview, or will we still need another plugin just for the webView2 features?

    > If not, what is the suggested work method for supporting all operation systems in the same project?

    If you still need macOS and Linux support, for simplicity I would advise to keep using NW.js for the time being. If you only need Windows support (and note that about 97% of Steam users use Windows) then I would recommend using WebView2 instead.

    That might have been the case a few years ago, but the Steam Deck is running Linux and it grows in popularity every day. I can do without macOS, but Linux is a must these days.

    > 3. Will it ever be possible to set a WebView2 app window to maximize in runtime?

    It's already possible via a custom wrapper extension, but support is not yet built-in. You can however request fullscreen on startup with WebView2 just like you can with NW.js.

    Yeah, I'm already using the fullscreen request, for when the player chooses Fullscreen mode, but if they switch to Window mode, I would still want the window to be maximized. Both when switching between the two and when running again in Window mode.

  • But I saw in your opened ticket, that the File System api was worked around to skip the user verification, which is still in the beta branch.

    I don't recall what you're referring to here. Can you link to your reference?

    IIRC we already shipped the skip to user verification some time ago and so that should already be in the current stable release.

    That might have been the case a few years ago, but the Steam Deck is running Linux and it grows in popularity every day.

    Yeah, you're right about the Steam Deck. At the moment we have to get by with NW.js on Linux.

  • > But I saw in your opened ticket, that the File System api was worked around to skip the user verification, which is still in the beta branch.

    I don't recall what you're referring to here. Can you link to your reference?

    IIRC we already shipped the skip to user verification some time ago and so that should already be in the current stable release.


    It looks like only last month you tested it while still being in beta.

  • That hasn't shipped in Construct yet. I was just testing an experimental WebView2 feature and reporting back my results to Microsoft.

    I thought you were referring to permission prompts when you said "skip the user verification" - it is already the case that NW.js and WebView2 should both skip permission prompts when using the File System object. However it can currently only access files and folders previously chosen by a picker dialog. The experimental feature was testing was for the ability to access known folders (e.g. Documents) without needing a picker dialog. Support for that should come in future.

  • That hasn't shipped in Construct yet. I was just testing an experimental WebView2 feature and reporting back my results to Microsoft.

    I thought you were referring to permission prompts when you said "skip the user verification" - it is already the case that NW.js and WebView2 should both skip permission prompts when using the File System object. However it can currently only access files and folders previously chosen by a picker dialog. The experimental feature was testing was for the ability to access known folders (e.g. Documents) without needing a picker dialog. Support for that should come in future.

    Great, that's exactly what I meant, being able to access the user's savegames directory and read/write files without any user input.

    So just to be clear, once this will ship to construct, these features will be accessible in normal preview too? And possibly in NWjs? So I can have just one set of saving/loading events for both platforms.

  • The feature to access known directories like Documents without a picker dialog will only work in WebView2. It won't apply to NW.js and it won't work in Construct's normal preview, as that is a normal browser and not using WebView2, unless you use the 'Export for Remote Preview' option.

  • Oh well, can't blame a dude for wishful thinking :)

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