Some WebView2 questions

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  • 1. There used to be an option for fixed or evergreen exports, it seems like it's only evergreen now, why is that?

    I get that using the latest version is always recommended, but it might also break things and then it's out of my hands.

    2. If I use either types of export, I assume there still can be future updates to the exe and dll provided with the export on C3 side, how do I track if and when a new version of that is released?

    3. Possibility of controlling the data folder name? -> see this post:

    4. In theory will it be possible to run C3 editor with it as we used to do with NWjs?

    As there are still some browser quirks that affects my experience, such as keyboard shortcuts, showing the X icon on the top of the preview window, requiring user confirmation each time I access a project file and a few other stuff.

    Ashley Any insights to share?


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  • 1. There used to be an option for fixed or evergreen exports, it seems like it's only evergreen now, why is that?

    Fixed mode is still supported. It's covered in the Exporting to Windows with the WebView2 wrapper tutorial. I would recommend the latest version though - fears of breakage are usually over-done, as Construct's web exports have been working reliably for years, and even if something breaks, you can always patch your game.

    2. If I use either types of export, I assume there still can be future updates to the exe and dll provided with the export on C3 side, how do I track if and when a new version of that is released?

    Just keep an eye on the changelogs of releases - any such changes will be noted.

    3. Possibility of controlling the data folder name? -> see this post:

    I don't see any reason why this needs to be changed.

    4. In theory will it be possible to run C3 editor with it as we used to do with NWjs?

    No, we plan to keep Construct running in the browser. The NW.js editor had a bunch of bugs and limitations due to not being a real browser, and it really has negligible benefit these days anyway, as you can do things like use project folders directly in the browser now (which was one of the main original motivations for having a desktop download).

  • > 1. There used to be an option for fixed or evergreen exports, it seems like it's only evergreen now, why is that?

    Fixed mode is still supported. It's covered in the Exporting to Windows with the WebView2 wrapper tutorial. I would recommend the latest version though - fears of breakage are usually over-done, as Construct's web exports have been working reliably for years, and even if something breaks, you can always patch your game.

    Thanks for that, I did look at that page, I don't know how I missed that part :)

    > 2. If I use either types of export, I assume there still can be future updates to the exe and dll provided with the export on C3 side, how do I track if and when a new version of that is released?

    Just keep an eye on the changelogs of releases - any such changes will be noted.

    Sure, I figured it would, but in the long run, if I don't follow all updates, it would be easy to miss out on something like this, maybe you can put a version number on the export screen or have a dedicated post/page that we can track.

    On that note, a possible suggestion would be to add a search the release page for keywords, so we can isolate changes made to specific plugins/features, it can also help a lot with bug reports and tracking when things changed and possibly broke.

    > 3. Possibility of controlling the data folder name? -> see this post:


    I don't see any reason why this needs to be changed.

    Mainly for cosmetic preferences, but it's not a big issue.

    > 4. In theory will it be possible to run C3 editor with it as we used to do with NWjs?

    No, we plan to keep Construct running in the browser. The NW.js editor had a bunch of bugs and limitations due to not being a real browser, and it really has negligible benefit these days anyway, as you can do things like use project folders directly in the browser now (which was one of the main original motivations for having a desktop download).

    I get that NWjs had issues, and I'm not talking about bringing back support for that, but isn't webview2 consider a more native browser than NWjs?

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