WebP support

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  • I don't really understand compressions very well (always used JPG for non transparent images and PNG for images with alpha channel).

    Since we are making games that need to be <50mb and want to add more effects, better sound, etc. I started looking at compressions. WebP has everything that I need but it looks like it's not supported by C3.

    I did stumble upon old topic where someone said that the reason it doesn't have support is that only chrome supports it. Now most of the platforms support it.

    Will there ever be WebP support in C3?

  • If its supported on all browsers and has some benefits, then I find that Scirra are usually interested in things like this, so maybe!

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  • caniuse.com/webp

    It has 94.25% global usage and PNG has 97.85% global usage.

    It does a really good compression. Transparent images were around 30% less in size than those of the PNG format. Non transparent were even smaller than those of the JPG format.

    All those images were about the same quality but much smaller. I might be missing something.

  • caniuse.com

    As usual Safari is not as far along as everyone else.

    The problem isn't that the browsers aren't at 100%, its with all the various programs people use to create images.

  • Yeah, Safari is late to the party.

    What do you mean when you say that it's the problem with all the various programs that people use to create images? You mean that not a lot of programs allow exporting created images in WebP format?

  • Yes.

    Or importing.

  • Yeah, only recently photoshop put WebP compression method export. I guess others have not yet put it in.

    There are some compression only software and they do a very good job.

    Anyway, I am guessing sooner or later it will be fully supported since it looks amazing.

    Thank you for explaining it to me!

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