Tilemap.tileat returns -1 if you use variables in the x and y values. if I change the x and y to just numbers it works as intended.
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Variables seem to work fine on my end (see below). Is this what you're trying to do?
i'm trying to make so if i click on a tile that the player can walk on the character will move. but if the player can't walk on the tile it will stay put. but everytime i use tileat with a mouse action it sets it to -1
okay i worked it out i was using x and y coords not the cell numbers. for example i was using 32 X 32 not 1 X 1
Ah OK — it took me a while to develop the habit of switching from x/y to tileX/tileY. The Tilemap.PositionToTileX / Tilemap.PositionToTileY expressions are really useful for converting them.
Good luck with your project!