Is there a way to make a Text object or Sprite font object break/split/explode into smaller ones?
IE. "This is only a test." - one object into -> "This" "is" "only" "a" "test." - 5 separate objects with space between them.
I've made it like that
using simple loop and tokenat, to count and get words from a variable and then place them on the layout.
But I'm having issues and can't figure out a good way to wrap the words that do not fit horizontally to next line.
Event 7 - shown on the image is one of my latest tests, but it still doesn't work correctly all the times.
As to the subject question. I could have just one text (or sprite font) object on the layout with correct size and word wrapping selected. Then I could only break that entire text into each words at runtime and it's done.
Any help appreciated.