rasterizing webfonts under the hood?

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  • 2 posts
  • Would it technically be possible to rasterize web fonts at runtime?

    As it is now web fonts are quite unusable for me in many situations and sprite fonts are also not really an alternative as they are limited to one size only.

    If there was an object type based on a textbox that would not render the actual webfont, but hide it, rasterize it and show it as a png sprite it seems to me that it would solve the issues connected to web fonts and provide a true "what you see is what you get" workflow?

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  • Technically you can do it now with by pasting in to Drawing Canvas.

    You would have to make your own Sprite Font using Sprite, or Tiled BG. It would be as time consuming as making a plug essentially.

    On the other hand there's nothing keeping you from pre rendering a font and putting that into Sprite Font.

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