Locked icon Project Example Issue

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    Hey I'm starting to notice this weird pattern in the new examples that are coming out, emphasis for 3D ones, and it'S that a lot of them look good from a player'S perspective but from a developer's perspective, they're poor.

    The mechanics are wonky and dodgy at best but most of the time completely nonsensical, and they're like made by someone completely unhinged where instead of showing how to create a system or a mechanic that developers would want in a way that can be developed into a bigger or full game methodically, it'S just garbage dude.

    Like, look at this !!!

    Who would just slap in there a full complete level as a single image as their max texture size and then slap it in the engine and manually draw a tilemap on top of it for collision

    This is the stupidest worst design practices i have ever seen and they're all like this !!! Why are project examples garbage tier design like this ? completely insane !!! what are people supposed to learn from this lmaooo !!!

    Give people the most basic camera controller, so they can put it in their game!! Then incrementally more fancy ones that are like elegant, so people understand what's different and they grow their skill and make sure they'Re coded in an independent way that can be put in any game without relying on tier mechanics like this.

    The documentation inside the projects is just as bad as the design itself. It never explains how anything works or why it was done a certain way, it'S just "describe what the event does" AS IF YOU COULDN'T SEE THE EVENT THAT'S RIGHT BELOW IT ????? Who wrote these ??? Who's the target audience ??? How is anyone supposed to learn anything ??? It's just pretentious that makes the engine look good "look at the cool things you can make" but they'Re so bad im losing my mind

    Templates should be teaching proper methodology and how to create systems that you can implement into or build your games on, not a showcase of an unnamed uncredited probably underpaid artist who deserves mad rep who gets shafted by some idiot programmer trying to build game-jam grade dead end games and wasting that artist's talent so he can take credit in front of the engine's thousands of users and show them horrible coding practices lmaoooo my dude is built inside the engine and sending the community backwards years in literacy

    Like I know ashley is busy being the best most awesome mad lad I have ever seen releasing feature after feature but isn't there someone paying attention to these kind of things ? No quality control, or plan on how to educate and grow your community's literacy over time ? Where are the engine veterans, we could use some of their advice!! Is the developer retention really that bad ? Or is there no way for them to effectively share their knowledge because actually helping your community and getting something from it because people have to pay their rent like by advertising a Patreon gets you banned so the only thing they can do is try to get youtube monetisation but that also fails because the user base is too small to get any meaningful amount of ad revenue so like there'S literally nothing we can do as veterans but look at these new templates and be miserable. Are we supposed to use the asset store to sell literacy or something ???? lmao !!! Exploit the illiterates by selling them the idea of being a cool game developer and following their dreams let'S go !!! And then smash them to pieces with garbage templates that don't help them at all and hope that they stay because of the sunk cost fallacy dfsgufgfdgjsd

    Sorry that was a bit of a rant jesus christ I have to be more careful with my caffeine intake

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    Some templates just cosmetics with easy shortcut mechanics to get things done, teasing newcomer to get into makes thing look easy.

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    You may have a point, but you post reads like a drunk person raging about Construct 3 templates. You seem passionate, but presenting it in a public forum post where you are swearing everywhere, it comes off as aggressive, and you are insulting the work from the devs (particularly the programmers) that created these templates rather than calmly explaining why you feel the templates are not good from an educational standpoint. Maybe edit your post to ease the tone of it, just so we can have a conversation and not get this post locked?

    I looked at the same ghost template, and I completely agree about the comments, it was kinda funny how little they explain. Some comments are like "initialise the car" then below it is a bunch of sin/cos math with seemingly random numbers picked for it - the comments don't explain roughly what they are doing, or why they chose specific values in their math.

    I guess where do you stop with comments? I'd expect detailed comments in beginner templates, but when it is an advanced template, perhaps it is more about advanced users taking a peek and changing a thing or two in order to learn, rather than reading comments to learn.

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    I guess it's an interesting way to make a level but it also seems quite wonky/impractical. Many games in general are held together with duct tape tho, so it's a matter of "it works and doesn't cause any issues so who cares". I'm thinking of the infamous train-hat npcs in fallout 3, or the squirrel timers in titan quest. In these cases they were certainly legitimate as they were done as workarounds for engine limitations. Not so sure about the examples.

    I do agree on examples not actually explaining the code properly. I remember looking up an example not too long ago and I just couldn't figure out what exactly the code did because it was a long bunch of sin/cos math stuff with the comment above being "here we make thing work lol"

    I can say tho I 100% have written code before that would make more knowledgeable programmers die from cringe. But I'm trying :V

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    Ah. Sorry I got carried away. It's a pretty fun read though, one of my top 50 insane posts for sure. But people seem to like it? Usually my autistic posts get downvoted to hell, not sure what's happening here.

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    The original post was full of swear words; I've removed them. Even after that the post is full of abusive language towards the author of the template. This is completely unacceptable and regardless of the merit of any claims or criticism, it goes far beyond any reasonable or good-faith critique. The Forum & Community guidelines are written specifically to avoid this kind of post.

    The author of the post has been banned in the past and repeatedly warned about breaking the Forum & Community guidelines and it was previously made clear to them they were on absolutely their last chance. They have now been banned. Thread closed.

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