I would actually really look forward to an additional mode besides fixed and framerate independent, which is similar to fixed updates in Unity. There, the physics update does not have to be executed each frame (or even multiple times). The latter might be a problem for weaker devices, but I think a hybrid that behaves like fixed below 60fps (or another fixed step size), but does not necessarily update every step (so it accumulates the dt until the fixed timestep is reached) would be nice. Similar to the LiquidFun physics, a trigger "before physics update" could provide the control to apply forces synchronized with the physics. It could look janky when combined with objects that are not controlled via physics, but as it would only affect refresh rates > 60, it would probably be not too bad. Theoretically, this could even be worked around by having visual interpolation (either built-in or done with dummy objects).
I think sacrificing a bit of smoothness for consistency would be a good option to have. A lot of physics games need a almost deterministic behavior design-wise, as they rely on more complicated contraptions. It is possible to work around this by adding tons of fallbacks and fail-save mechanics, but then you might as well just create your own physics. The biggest problem is the increased level of testing necessary (as well as having the respective displays).