Multiplayer is working ?

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  • Hi,

    I actually create a multiplayer game but I am afraid about all I'm reading this morning about that and I paid for one year of construct 3, do I will regret ? Maybe unreal 4 pr Godot is better that c3 now for 2D multiplayer game

    Is it true that WebRTC is not supported anymore by a lot of webbroswer ?

    Is it possible to play multiplayer on mobile with multiplayer plugin ?

    For example PC and mobile players can they plan together ?

    There are a lot of issues (lag or sruff like that) in multiplayer game made with construct 3 ?

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    Webrtc is supported by most browsers I believe.

    Yes you could have players on both mobile and desktop


    Webrtc is supported by most browsers I believe.

    Yes you could have players on both mobile and desktop

    A while ago safari did not support webrtc, today I do not know if it already does or not.

  • as you can see from the caniuse link Safari has supported WebRTC since version 11, which was released approximately 2 years.

    Is it true that WebRTC is not supported anymore by a lot of webbroswer ?

    No browser has dropped support for it, and there are no plans to as far as the public are aware.

  • It's just when I tried it using Mac and windows in a 1 vs 1 game and it didn't work.

  • Depending on your networking situation you may need a TURN server. I believe one specific connection situation that Safari does not like is when both devices are on the same local network.

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