Load and Save game actions inconsistent on iOS?

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  • Ashley I have been lately observing inconsistent behaviour of load and save system actions on iOS (Chrome browser). These actions are working fine on laptops and android devices.

    I have created checkpoints on my game and have to launch the game from the last checkpoint achieved if the player loses a life. Sometimes the actual state of the game is saved and loaded whereas sometimes it does not account for a few objects. Sometimes it just starts the game from the very first position. This was working fine a couple of months back on all devices.

  • There's nothing iOS-specific about savegames, it's running identical code on all platforms.

    I'm afraid it's impossible to help without more detailed information - see the bug report guidelines as we need all that information to be able to investigate.

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  • There's nothing iOS-specific about savegames, it's running identical code on all platforms.

    I'm afraid it's impossible to help without more detailed information - see the bug report guidelines as we need all that information to be able to investigate.

    I will definitely check the guidelines and add details. However, I also tested the Savegames example (on iOS) provided under Browse examples (by changing the triggers from key press to touch) and even that is not loading the saved game. Infact sometimes it does not even save the game.

  • There's nothing iOS-specific about savegames, it's running identical code on all platforms.

    I'm afraid it's impossible to help without more detailed information - see the bug report guidelines as we need all that information to be able to investigate.

    This seems to be working in incognito mode. I read that save action does not save on the cache. Wondering what could be causing this.

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