Layers from previous layout still visible.

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  • Layout "01_Main" has two layers: BG(0) and UI(1).

    Layout "02_Demo" has 5 layers: topology(0), transportation(1), borders(2), objects(3) and UI(4).

    When I switch back from layout "02_Demo" to layout "01_Main" some layers from "02_Demo" show in "01_Main".

    Is this expected behavior? As a workaround I remove [Remove Layer] the offending layers "transportation(1)" and "borders(2)" before going back to "01_Main" and all is well. I do not have to remove "topology(0)", "objects(3)" and "UI(4) for this to work.

    I have tried to figure why some layers ghost into "01_Main" but can't seem to find a pattern.

    Is this a feature or a bug?

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  • I've never seen this. Are you sure that the layers are visible? Do you see them in Debug Mode? Maybe just the objects from these layers migrate to another layout. This can happen if objects are set as global.

  • They migrated alright. My tile sprite, I use hexagons so no tilemap for me, was indeed marked global. I turned it off and now everything is peachy. Thanks so much.

    Here is what that looked like: Google Drive Link

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