How many iOS phones now don't support last stable release?

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  • First I checked on my phone (ios 15.8.2) and the game didn't work. There is not even a message that this version of the phone is not supported, the splash screen is not even displayed. Then I checked on browserstack and out of 15 options, even an empty project opened only on the two most recent versions of the iphone. Why?

    The last stable version works well

  • There has not been any intentional change in support. If you think there is a problem with the latest release, please file an issue.

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  • I only have one iOS phone. This is the iphone 6s 15.8.2 version. So I take two empty projects with one sprite on the layout and check it through remote preview. One project is r397-2 and it works, and the second is r407 and there's just a black screen after loading.

    UPD: I rechecked the old releases and the project breaks on r399. It just shows a black screen. The game works until r399.

    Ashley Can you check it out?

  • I am not sure if connected to this at all, but there was another person where it works on R399 and not on R400 (windows). So I assume it's the rewrite of the preview code causing it.

    Error is:

    I can't do a bug report as I don't have the issue

  • If this only happens in preview or remote preview, try clearing your browser cache. There were some server-side changes for the new preview system. They should have already come through by now, but I guess old or rarely used devices might not have updated yet.

  • No. My problem persists even after exporting. And it doesn't even depend on the browser, game in chrome also doesn't work on the iphone. shows that iphone versions below v17 are not working

    black screen

    but this ok

  • Hello Ashley , In the latest ios 18 and xcode 16.0 update, it stopped working Browser “open URL in new window” , any ideas?

  • I would advise to file any problems to the issue tracker, as we have a process designed to help identify and resolve problems there, and issues only mentioned on the forum are easily lost and forgotten.

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